Not Currently Accepting Applications - get on the waitlist!
If you meet the above criteria, and this all sounds like a good fit for your needs, let us know! Please email us at info@CrescentiaVacations.org with the subject line of Leisure Micro-grants and we’ll put you on the waitlist so you’ll know first when we have more funds to give.
We are actively fundraising for this program, and we are not interested in hoarding resources, so as soon as we raise enough to fund a small round of grants, we will reopen applications.
Designed for people whose main barrier to leisure and vacationing is financial, our micro-grants provide direct resources for folks to use for rest and relaxation that they already have in mind or are planning for themselves.
These micro-grants support leisure, rest, vacationing, and/or doing something that brings you joy! They are specifically for low-income or low-wealth individuals. Applicants must be residents of the United States. Micro-grant amounts available up to $550, and are only available as funds allow.
Micro-grants are not to be used for overtly political, religious, work-related, or any kind of discriminatory activities. Most formal educational activities and classes are also not supported by these grants; however, feel free to apply and we can discuss on a case-by-case basis.
Help us give money for rest, leisure, and vacationing to folks that need it most!